newyears New Years 2016/17

We were tasked by Microsoft to make a selection of floats depicting some of the Minecraft characters. This was made into a video for the Minecraft social media accounts. The floats were made from a large number of block models pieced together to make the floats you see. Animation was added to most of the floats to make them more dynamic and in some cases the animation was very complex. This will be explored further on.

Block models on the heads of armour stands are limited to 7.5 blocks in each direciton. The floats needed to be 20 blocks long and in some cases 40 blocks so needed to be split into multiple block models and then pieced back together in game. An example of this can be seen below with the redstone sign.

The most compilcated of the floats I did was the dragon. The character rig was first created and animated in blender and then exported using a custom script that created the required command blocks to pose the armour stands in game. The animation created can be seen below.

my twitter account
my youtube channel youtube